Plan 1.5 is a non-profit organization that focuses on policy advocacy for stronger and more effective climate policies in Korea. Plan 1.5 is established based on the strategic observation that policy engagement is the most urgently needed missing piece in the climate activism scene. Plan 1.5 seek to effectively strengthen climate policies and expand and empower the climate movement in Korea and beyond.

Our work

Our values

Plan 1.5 is a non-profit organization that focuses on policy advocacy for stronger and more effective climate policies in Korea. Plan 1.5 is established based on the strategic observation that policy engagement is the most urgently needed missing piece in the climate activism scene. Plan 1.5 seek to effectively strengthen climate policies and expand and empower the climate movement in Korea and beyond.

Our work

Long-term goals have been set by many countries and corporations, but we desperately need to find ways to make it happen. Plan 1.5 takes “deep dive”approach into major sectors including energy, industry, transportation, and finance to come up with practicable solutions to enhance and implement climate mitigation measures.

Civil society stands at the forefront of the fight against climate change and the role has never been more important. Plan 1.5 aims to expand the climate movement through solidarity  and collaboration with wide range of civil society organizations within and beyond environmental groups.

Law is a useful tool in fighting climate change. Plan 1.5 utilizes its legal capacity in public interest litigations against public policiesand corporate entities as well as legal support for campaigns and climate activists.

Our value

Climate change affects every corner of our lives, and so should climate movement. Plan 1.5 aims to venture into areas that have not been addressed or discussed, leaving “no stones unturned” to minimize the negative impact of climate change to the planet and the human society.

Plan 1.5 believes sharing knowledge, experience, and strategy brings out the best outcome from the climate movement as a whole. Plain 1.5 prioritizes collaboration and cooperation with fellow CSOs and contributing to enriching the common asset of the civil society.

Plan 1.5 believes sharing knowledge,
experience, and strategy brings out the best outcome from the climate Plan 1.5 believes in the power of collective thinking and values the difference in ideas and opinions of its members. Plan 1.5 seeks to find the best answer through deliberative
process both for the work for its objectives and for development of the organization.

공익제보(국민권익위) I 국세청 I 개인정보처리방침

사단법인 플랜일점오 I (03037) 서울시 종로구 필운대로5나길 14-2 (누하동 108-2)

대표전화 02-735-3565 I 사업자등록번호 681-82-00445 I 대표메일

용 수로 사용할 수 있습

공익제보(국민권익위) I 국세청 I 개인정보처리방침

사단법인 플랜일점오

(03037) 서울시 종로구 필운대로5나길 14-2 (누하동 108-2) I

사업자등록번호 681-82-00445

대표전화 02-735-3565